4 Jumping Exercises To Increase Vertical Leap Fast
Released on: May 29, 2008, 12:04 pm
Press Release Author: Waseem Dar
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Speed and strength are important components of athletes movement. With improved power, an athlete\'s overall performance is enhanced including an increase vertical leap.Various Jumping exercises such as jumping, bounding and hopping have been used in many various ways to enhance performance, and increase vertical leap.
Press Release Body: Fl, USA, May 29,2008...........Speed and strength are important components of athletes movement. With improved power, an athlete\'s overall performance is enhanced including an increase vertical leap.
Various Jumping exercises such as jumping, bounding and hopping have been used in many various ways to enhance performance, and increase vertical leap.
Not only are jumping exercises beneficial to the athletes performance, it increases the fitness.
The following jumping exercises have been used and tested by athletes and trainers to increase vertical leap, and performance.
Listed below are 4 lower body jumping exercises to increase vertical leap:
1) Bounds - Commence jogging followed by a push off with the right leg, and with an extended stride bring the left leg forward (knee bent and thigh parallel to the floor).
At the same time, the left arm should reach forward for further momentum. Attempt to hold the extended stride for a brief time, and then land on the left foot and immediately leap forward again.
To maximise this jumping exercise, continue to perform the extended stride continuously on each foot and cover as much distance as possible.
Recommended sets are one to three set over 30-40 metres.
2) Hurdle Hopping - This jumping exercise involves the hip and knee for jump movements. The hurdles are set in a row, and spaced at an appropriate distance away.
Whilst standing straight on 2 feet, jump forward over the hurdles and then immediately spring or jump over the next hurdle.
Lift with your knees together, tucked against the chest and land on the balls of the feet, and immediately continue the next jump exercise sequence over the subsequent hurdles.
Use both arms to swing up for balance and increase vertical leap.
Recommended sets are one to three sets over 6 to 8 hurdles(36 inches high) for this jumping exercise.
3) Single Leg Hopping - The aim of this jumping exercise is to stand on one leg, and push off from the standing leg, jumping forward and landing on the same leg.
Use the opposite leg as a balance and for forward motion. With each jump, aim to jump higher.
Recommended jumping exercise set is one to three over 30-40 metres.
4) Tuck Jumps - Standing straight, jump up grabbing both knees to the chest.
As the feet return to the starting position, land on the balls of the feet and immediately spring up in a quick upward motion.
Again with this jumping exercise, aim to jump higher with each spring.
Recommended vertical jumps for this jumping exercise is one to three sets of 10 repetitions.
Note that if this is your first attempt at these jumping exercises, it is always advisable to consult with a personal trainer for maximum performance and prevent injuries.
The jumping exercises above are just only a few, and aimed to to increase vertical leap.
In addition, these suggested jumping exercises plays part in your continual practice of vertical leap performance.
As always, the quality of each jumping exercise is far more important than quantity.
Therefore focus on the technique of each jumping exercise for optimal results.
The better the quality, the better the form of each jumping exercise, which will have an impact on improved power, and an increase vertical leap.
Start the workout small and progressively increase the workout over a period of time. That means it is not necessary to do jumping exercises 7 days a week. Look at 3 to 4 days a week, allowing the muscles to rest.
Also, performing the jumping exercises too often will often lead to boredom, and consequently lack of motivation. The idea with these jumping exercises is to workout less for optimal results.
Importantly keep track of each jumping exercise. Note the repetitions, distance and height of each jumping exercise.
Once you have grasped the 4 jumping exercises, look at varying the routine with more unique jumping exercises that will add more strength to your increasing vertical leap and fitness.
Some other suggested jumping exercises are split jumps, standing jump from height, depth jump from a box. If you want more unique jumping exercises (or plyometric exercises) that will truly unleash your vertical leap, check out the link below.
Finally, before any workout, it is vital that you warm up and stretch the muscles before and after any jumping exercise.
Throughout this century, jumping exercises have been used successfully by many athletes as a method of training to increase vertical leap.
Discover How You Can Double Your Vertical Leap in Just 60 Days!For more details visit here http://increase-vertical-leap.articalz.com
Web Site: http://increase-vertical-leap.articalz.com
Contact Details: Waseem Dar jose_bowa@yahoo.com
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